5 Easy Steps To Get Started With Nordigen Open Banking API Platform

5 min readApr 15, 2020


With Nordigen’s API Platform, you can start building data-driven services — powerful apps, onboarding flows and seamless customer experiences today. The platform guides developers and businesses to installing data aggregation, assessing potential risks and onboarding their customers. In this article, we will guide you through 5 easy steps of turning raw account data into valuable insights.

Nordigen’s API Platform is a one-stop-shop for all your open banking needs. It allows businesses to connect with customer bank accounts and get valuable insights on customer account data — all in one place.

Get Started uses specific questions to tailor the experience users have on the dashboard. Just by answering 3 questions, the users have customized suggestions on which products to use.

Products section allows users to explore all available products, starting with the suggested ones. Each product has a page dedicated to explaining the concept behind it, the use cases associated with the product, and developer-friendly output examples.

In the dashboard, users have the possibility to fetch their API keys, read Quickstart Guide documentation, and even schedule a demo session with an onboarding manager, if needed.

We’re currently offering all first-time users first 50 API calls for free. This means 50 free account aggregation requests through our Aggregation Widget or 50 free file uploads to the Nordigen analytics APIs.

Get Started In 5 Easy Steps

Step 1 — Sign Up

To get started, create your free account. For developers, we suggest connecting with Postman. New users will be asked to log in either with their Google, LinkedIn accounts or by email.

Once your account is created, we highly recommend that you answer the three questions we ask in Get Started. Once a user completes information about their country, use case, and data availability, we recommend the most relevant products.

Step 2 — Explore Products

Once a user has completed the Get Started survey, they can visit the relevant product pages to learn more about each one.

In product pages, the user can find an implementation guide as well as a detailed example of the output, where each of the data points is explained.

An output example

Step 3 — Upload Your Data

Users with available transaction data files (from other aggregators, for example) can jump straight into testing our insights products through our API. This functionality is available globally.

Users who do not have transaction data available can use our Account Aggregation, which helps businesses import personal and transaction data from banks across Europe, with the help of our Aggregation Widget and powered by our AISP ( account information service provider) partners.

There are two types of data you can use to test Nordigen — real data and test data. For using real bank data in the Test Widget, first, select a country and then choose one or more products you would like to test.

To use test data, select ‘enable a test connection’ in the Test Widget and follow the instruction steps to see what the process looks like. Finally, press ‘Continue’ and after the connection finishes, go back to the Overview > Historical Uploads section to see the results.

Integrating with Nordigen API

There are two options for integrating with Nordigen API. Those who have already collected data for processing can simply continue with the Quickstart Guide.

Those who still need to obtain data should first start by implementing the Aggregation Widget. All details are also available in our Documentation. Nordigen API is a set of endpoints that allows the integration of our categorisation engine and insight products into a system.

All responses will be shown in the JSON format. All endpoints require an Authorization token. Before you start, make sure you have acquired an API Client ID and Client Secret from the Nordigen API Dashboard. If you are not a Dashboard user, please contact our support team.

Step 4 — Receive Output Data

Once you have completed the test process, retrieve the output data by heading over to Overview and scrolling down to Historical Uploads. Find ‘Action’ in the far right corner and click on it. You will see two options — download your data or view it in the browser. Select the option best suited for you and see what the output looks like.

Step 5 — Launch Your First Prototype and Go Into Production

Prototyping is an essential part of testing and improving existing systems. To launch your first prototype with Nordigen, use the various test features for aggregation or mock data found in our QuickStart Guide (search for example.json). Use this to test if the application you are using can successfully read Nordigen output data.

To go into production, start uploading your production data to the same API (using your existing API keys). The first 50 API calls are free. You can always buy more credits later by visiting the “Billing” section.

We hope you found this guide useful. As a global account data analytics provider, we help banks, lenders, and fintechs leverage open banking by extracting actionable insights from raw account data. Start experimenting with our tech today and tell us what you think.

Ready to get started? Sign up now!

Get Free Access to Account Information today or learn more about Nordigen’s Account Information product.

Connect to bank accounts and get raw transaction data. Free access to regulated banking data in Europe.

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Written by Nordigen

Open banking analytics platform for building powerful applications and customer experiences. All-in-one integration for data acquisition and data analytics.

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